What is the meaning of irrelevancies?

irrelevancies. Frequency: Irrelevance. noun. (uncountable) The quality of being irrelevant or inapplicable; lack of pertinence or connection.

What is the synonym of irrelevance?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for irrelevancy. extraneousness, inapplicability, irrelevance.

Is Irrelevantcy a word?

irrelevancy. An instance of digressing: aside, deviation, digression, divagation, divergence, divergency, excursion, excursus, parenthesis, tangent.

How do you use irrelevance in a sentence?

the lack of a relation of something to the matter at hand.

  1. His idea was rejected as an irrelevance.
  2. Sympathy is an irrelevance – we need practical help.
  3. The Patriotic Front has been a political irrelevance.
  4. The presidency is beginning to appear a political irrelevance.

What does Irksomeness mean?

: tending to irk : tedious an irksome task.

What does irreverent most likely mean?

: having or showing a lack of respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect : treating someone or something in a way that is not serious or respectful. See the full definition for irreverent in the English Language Learners Dictionary. irreverent. adjective. ir·​rev·​er·​ent | \ i-ˈre-və-rənt \

What does it mean to be irreverent?

English Language Learners Definition of irreverent : having or showing a lack of respect for someone or something that is usually treated with respect : treating someone or something in a way that is not serious or respectful.

How do you use the word sanction in a sentence?

Examples of sanction in a Sentence Noun The country acted without the sanction of the other nations. Their policy has legal sanction. Verb The government has sanctioned the use of force. His actions were not sanctioned by his superiors.

What is a female protegee?

A female protégé noun. 2. A woman or girl whose welfare, training, or career is promoted by an influential person.

Is Irksomeness a word?

adj. Causing annoyance, weariness, or vexation: irksome duties; irksome restrictions.

What does it mean to say something is irrelevance?

If you talk about the irrelevance of something, you mean that it is irrelevant. If you describe something as an irrelevance, you have a low opinion of it because it is not important in a situation.

What is the quality or condition of being irrelevant?

the quality or condition of being irrelevant. an irrelevant thing, act, etc.

Who is the author of the Dictionary of irrelevancies?

Irrelevance. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

Is the TV commercial at risk of irrelevance?

The television commercial is at risk of irrelevance —pushing the TV ad of the future to be more than just a one-size-fits-all commercial break. After more than twenty years of marketplace irrelevance, its values and those of American drinkers had at last aligned.