What is the policy of licensing?

The aim of Licensing Policy was to keep the private sector under control. No new industry was allowed unless a license was obtained from the government. This policy was used for promoting industries in backward regions.

What are different types of licensing?

How to decide between types of licensing agreements

  • Patent Licensing. Patents cover science and innovation.
  • Trademark Licensing. Trademarks are signifiers of commercial source, namely, brand names and logos or slogans.
  • Copyright Licensing.
  • Trade Secret Licensing.
  • Exclusive.
  • Non-exclusive.
  • Sole.
  • Perpetual.

What are some examples of licenses?

Examples of licenses

  • Driver’s license.
  • Hunting license.
  • Television licence.
  • Copyright licenses.

How many industries are under compulsory licensing?

five industries
Currently, only five industries are under compulsory licensing mainly on account of environmental, safety and strategic considerations. They are: Distillation and brewing of alcoholic drinks. Cigars and cigarettes made from tobacco and manufactured tobacco substitutes.

What is the basic idea of industrial licensing policy?

What was the main objective of industrial licensing? Its aim was to establishment, expansion and ownership of private industries according to priorities of five-year plans and to check the monoply tendency in industries. It also had the objective of removing regional disparities.

What are 2 forms of licensing?

Licensing activity comes in two forms: Licensorsgive licenses to others; licensees receive licenses from others.

What occupations require licensing?

Licensing is intended to ensure that only competent and ethical individuals practice in an occupation. Examples of occupations licensed in many states include: teachers, land surveyors, doctors, lawyers, cosmetologists, nurses, building contractors, counselors, therapists, and electricians.

Which industries are free from licensing?

Since the liberalization and deregulation of the Indian economy in 1991, most industries have been exempt from obtaining an industrial license to start manufacturing in India….Industries subject to compulsory licensing in India

  • Tobacco items.
  • Defense aerospace and warships.
  • Hazardous chemicals.
  • Industrial explosives.

What are the different types of licensing agreements?

Characters: Television and movie characters can be licensed for use on greeting cards, toys, clothing, and so on. Record labels: A record label can license its catalog of music to an overseas company instead of taking the lead in the release of the music.

What are the different types of software licenses?

Concurrent Use: This license type requires that you purchase licenses for the maximum number of people who will be running the software simultaneously. However, you can usually install the software on more computers than Volume licenses: allows the Licensee to install the software on a certain number of computers.

Which is an example of a personal line policy?

Examples of personal lines policies may include: Many agencies will have two departments, one for personal lines and one for commercial lines. The reason it is essential to understand this is that the property and casualty licensing exam covers both. While the actual test and the passing score may vary from state to state, the topics are similar.

What are the different types of property insurance?

Dwelling Property is coverage for property damage to a personal dwelling. This will include at least coverage for fire and lightning but can be enhanced to include additional property coverages such as water damage, smoke, and theft. It differs from a homeowner’s policy in that liability must be added by endorsement.