What is the RF value of chlorophyll a?


Pigment Rf value range Colour
Pheophytin b 0.33-0.40 Brown
Chlorophyll a 0.24-0.30 Blue green
Chlorophyll b 0.20-0.26 Green
Xanthophylls 0.04-0.28 Yellow

Which chromatography technique is suitable for chlorophyll?

paper chromatography
Four primary pigments of green plants can easily be separated and identified using a technique called paper chromatography. These pigments include two greenish pigments called chlorophylls and two yellowish pigments called carotenoids.

Why does chlorophyll have a lower Rf value than carotene?

Carotene and chlorophyll are both pigments in plants that play important roles in energy collection through photosynthesis. Because carotene is less polar, it interacts less with the polar stationary phase of the column and elutes off of the column much more quickly than chlorophyll.

How do you identify chlorophyll in chromatography paper?

Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green. Your filter paper strip is a chromatogram. The chromatogram shows the different pigments. Chlorophyll a is blue-green, chlorophyll b is yellow-green, carotene appears bright yellow, and xanthophyll is pale yellow-green.

What is the Rf factor and how is it calculated?

The Rf value of a compound is equal to the distance traveled by the compound divided by the distance traveled by the solvent front (both measured from the origin).

Which type of running solvent is used in chromatography experiment?

Readily Available Solvents for Paper Chromatography

Solvent Polarity (arbitrary scale of 1-5) Suitability
Water 1 – Most polar Good
Rubbing alcohol (ethyl type) or denatured alcohol 2 – High polarity Good
Rubbing alcohol (isopropyl type) 3 – Medium polarity Good
Vinegar 3 – Medium polarity Good

Which pigment appears to be the most polar?

From this, we can deduce that carotenes are the least polar pigments (no polar groups), and xanthophylls are the most polar (two alcohol groups, one at each end of the molecule).

What does the Rf value tell you?

The Rf values indicate how soluble the particular pigment is in the solvent by how high the pigment moves on the paper. Two pigments with the same Rf value are likely to be identical molecules. Small Rf values tend to indicate larger, less soluble pigments while the highly soluble pigments have an Rf value near to one.

Why Rf value has no unit?

Rf values do not have units since it is a ration of distances. Rf = 0.66 (60% Ethanol) – if % is given it is assumed that the mixture is in water hence 60% ethanol 40% water.

How are chlorophylls separated by high performance liquid chromatography?

The separation and determination of chlorophylls by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is described. Chlorophylls and their derivatives were separated by reversed-phase HPLC based on hydrophobic interaction between solute and support, using an octadecyl silica column and elution with 100% methanol.

How is the chemical stability of chlorophyll measured?

The purity of the chlorophyll preparations and the chemical stability of the chlorophyll molecules during the course of preparation were monitored by thin-layer chromatography (TLC)7 and spectrophotometrya. The elution patterns of the pigments were monitored at a wavelength of 380 nm.

How to extract chlorophyll pigments from spinach leaves?

In part A, you will extract the chlorophyll and caretenoid pigments from spinach leaves using acetone as the solvent. The pigments will be separated by column chromatography using alumina as the adsorbent. Increasingly more polar solvents will be used to elute the various components from the column.

How is column chromatography used to isolate pigments?

Column chromatography is devised on the basis of differential adsorbance of substances on solid adsorbent (silica or alumina) to an extent that depends on the substance polarity and other chemical properties and structural properties.