What is the scientific name of Shankupushpam?

Aparajita, Shankupushpam, Butterfly pea (Clitoria Ternatea) Aparajita is commonly known as Koyala in Hindi. The plant belongs to Fabaceae family and its Latin name is “Clitoria ternatea”.

What is Shankupushpam in English?

Butterfly pea commonly known as Shankupushpam, is widely used in traditional Indian systems of medicine as a brain tonic and is believed to promote memory and intelligence.

What is the use of Shankupushpam?

Shankupushpam is widely used in traditional Indian system of medicine as a brain tonic and is believed to improve memory and intelligence. It helps to relieve throat and eye infections. It also helps in curing skin and urinary diseases.

What is aparajita called in English?

Butterfly pea
(English: ‘Butterfly pea’, Asian pigeon-wings, bluebell-vine, blue pea, cordofan pea and Darwin pea; Hindi: Aparajita, Gokarni, Khagtu; Kannada: Aparajite, Girikarnike, Kantisoppu, Gokarna; Malayalam: Sangu pushpam; Marathi: Gokarna, Shankha pushpa; Sanskrit: Aparajita, Girikarnika, Ghrstih; Tamil: Kakkanam, Kakkattan …

Is Butterfly Pea poisonous?

Blue pea flower are also known as Butterfly Pea Flowers, asian pigeon wings while in Malaysia we called it Bunga Telang. When he saw “Dr Frances” at Nam Wah Ee hospital, Penang, the doctor told him that the green sepal and the stigma of the blue pea flowers are toxic which can cause harm to the body when consumed.

Can I drink butterfly pea tea everyday?

Aside from its numerous health properties, a cup of Butterfly Pea tea every day can help reduce fatigue and bring about a sense of calm due to the herb’s anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Is Butterfly pea poisonous?

Is Butterfly pea toxic?

The highest dose administered (15000mg/kg body weight) produced the highest mortality rate and the LD50 of Butterfly Pea roots extract is 32118.533 mg/kg based on Probit Analysis. The histopathology studies indicate hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity as the acute toxic effect of Butterfly Pea root extract.

Is Butterfly pea flower poisonous?

Which plant is called a memory booster?

Bacopa monniera (Brahmi) has been used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine as a brain tonic, memory enhancer, antianxiety, cardiotonic, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anticonvulsant agent since ancient times.

Can you drink butterfly pea tea everyday?

Is it safe to drink blue Ternate everyday?

Consuming this tea regularly can improve the overall health of the brain, skin, hair, and body. However, it may not completely cure a medical condition. Serious medical conditions, such as cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia, diabetes, hypertension, or serious skin and/or hair problems, require medical attention.

How is Shankupushpam used in traditional Indian medicine?

Butterfly pea commonly known as Shankupushpam, is widely used in traditional Indian systems of medicine as a brain tonic and is believed to promote memory and intelligence. The plant is considered as a good brain tonic and is useful for throat and eye infections, skin diseases,urinary troubles even in cattle, ulcer and antidotal properties.

Where do you find shankupushpams in the world?

You may often find Shankupushpams in violet and white mixed colors also. The flower and plant has a major importance as Ayurvedic medicines for a number of ailments. Also the flowers are used as food and for food pigmentation. The plant is seen mostly in tropical regions of Asian continent and is believed to be native of Asia.

Which is the best name for shankupushpi flower?

Other names of this medicinal flower are, Shankupushpi, Aparajit (hindi), Aparajita (Bengali), Kakkattan (Tamil), Bunga telang (Malay), Gokarna (Marathi), Fula criqua (Portuguese), Sangu pu (Tamil), Nagar hedi (Kannada), Aparajita, saukarnika, ardrakarni, girikarnika, supuspi, mohanasini, vishadoshaghni (Sanskrit).

Are there any synonyms for the word shankhpushpam?

The are many synonyms for Shankupushpam some of the common ayurvedic synonyms are aparajita are mohanasi, supuspi, Sveta, mahasveta, girikarnika, ardrakarni, gokarnika, sephanda, vishnukrantha, etc. Also, the flower is known as oral, malayamukki, Kakkanam, etc.