What is the Y Chart?

A Y-Chart is a three-part graphic organizer that is used for describing three aspects of a topic. Examples include observations of an object (looks like, sounds like and feels like) or the characteristics of the three branches of the United States Government (executive, legislative and judicial branches).

What is the use of Y Chart?

The Y-Chart is used to capture students’ voices in describing expectations for key classroom activities. Two prongs of the Y capture the observable aspects of what a procedure looks like and sounds like when rules are followed. The third prong describes the internalized result of performing a task appropriately.

What are the parts of KWL chart?

A KWL table, or KWL chart, is a graphical organizer designed to help in learning. The letters KWL are an acronym, for what students, in the course of a lesson, already know, want to know, and ultimately learn. A KWL table is typically divided into three columns titled Know, Want and Learned.

How do you do ay Chart?


  1. Decide on the topic to be analysed/research.
  2. Draw up a simple Y-Chart and write the topic at the top of the page.
  3. Label each section (Looks like/Feels like/Sounds like)
  4. In the ‘looks like ‘ section, students will brainstorm everything that they might see happening around the site of the topic.

What is the T chart?

What is a T Chart? A T Chart (or T-Chart) is a graphic organizer that separates information into columns, traditionally for comparing. It gets its name from the basic version with two columns: it looks like the letter “T” and is both versatile and commonly used across all subjects.

What do I know KWHL?

A KWHL chart (Know-Wonder-How-Learned) is type of graphic organizer that serves as matrix for planning and gathering information. It is an instruction activity developed by Donna Ogle (1986, National Louis University) which serves as a model for active thinking during reading. We adapt it for use in science.

What is Y chart for kids?

What is a Y Chart? A Y Chart is a graphic organiser that divides a page into 3 sections, creating a ‘Y’ layout. The 3 sections are usually titled look, feel and hear depending on the topic.

What is KWL technique?

KWL, an acronym for Know, Want-to-know, and Learned, is an effective way to read with purpose. KWL is easy to apply and can lead to significant improvement in your ability to learn efficiently and to retain what you have learned.

What is pros and cons T chart?

A pros and cons list is a chart that helps you make a decision. On the pros side of the list, you add all of the positive outcomes of a decision. On the cons side, you add all of the adverse outcomes.

How do you respond to KWL?


  1. First column: Record what you already know about a particular topic (prior knowledge), before you start researching the topic.
  2. Second column: Ask yourself: “what do I want to know?” about a topic and then record those points.
  3. Third column: record what you learn during the research process.

What is the purpose of a Y chart?

A Y Chart is a procedure that is used to brainstorm ideas on what you know about a topic by writing or drawing about what the topic looks like, sounds like and feels like. It links into our feelings and challenges students to think outside the square.

When is the best time to make a Y chart?

The children should do most of the talking. Once created, the chart you make together will serve as a visual reminder and can be referred to in future conversations. January is a great time to give this strategy a try—I hope it helps you and your class get off to a positive start in the new year.

How does Suzy Ghosh use a Y chart?

Suzy Ghosh uses a Y-chart to help her class explore how it will look, sound, and feel to follow their classroom rules in the lunchroom.

Do you need JavaScript to use Y chart?

JavaScript is not active on your browser. This webite requires JavaScript in order to function. Y-Chart A Y-Chart is a three-part graphic organizer that is used for describing three aspects of a topic.