What is thermal tactile stimulation dysphagia?

Thermal-tactile stimulation (TTS) is a technique used on patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia to increase sensitivity in the oral cavity and trigger a faster swallowing reflex(12). Cold temperatures or ice are used to provide sensory stimulation to the anterior faucial pillars(13,14).

How does the swallowing reflex work?

The swallowing reflex, which is mediated by the swallowing center in the medulla (the lower part of the brainstem), causes the food to be further pushed back into the pharynx and the esophagus (food pipe) by rhythmic and involuntary contractions of several muscles in the back of the mouth, pharynx, and esophagus.

What type of reflex is swallowing?

The swallowing reflex is an elaborate involuntary reflex that involves a swallowing center, or a swallowing pattern generator, in the brainstem. Once activated, the swallowing center neurons send patterned discharges of inhibition and excitation to motor nuclei of the cranial nerves.

What is an effortful swallow?

The exercise is just as the name implies, you swallow with effort or HARD! That’s right, with GUSTO. The goal of this technique is to recruit more motor units, increase the demand and create a muscle training/strengthening effect. This technique is used to protect the airway.

What is the Shaker exercise for dysphagia?

The Shaker exercise is a head lift designed to increase anterior movement of the hyolaryngeal complex and opening of the upper esophageal sphincter.

Is swallowing a natural reflex?

Swallowing is basically an involuntary reflex; one cannot swallow unless there is saliva or some substance to be swallowed. Initially, food is voluntarily moved to the rear of the oral cavity, but once food reaches the back of the mouth, the reflex to swallow takes over and cannot be retracted.

What triggers swallow reflex?

The reflex is initiated by touch receptors in the pharynx as a bolus of food is pushed to the back of the mouth by the tongue, or by stimulation of the palate (palatal reflex). Swallowing is a complex mechanism using both skeletal muscle (tongue) and smooth muscles of the pharynx and esophagus.

How can I improve my delayed swallowing?

  1. Head Tilt. Move the head to better side, bolus is redirected through oral cavity and oral bolus transport is improved.
  2. Head Rotation. Twist head to weaker side, so weaker side is closed off and bolus travels to stronger side.
  3. Chin Tuck. Put chin down to move bolus anterior.
  4. Side Lying.
  5. Head Back.

What drinks help dysphagia?

It helps to prevent aspiration. On a dysphagia diet, only certain kinds of liquids are safe to drink….Types of liquids in a dysphagia diet

  • Thin. These are watery liquids such as juice, tea, milk, soda, beer, and broth.
  • Nectar-like.
  • Honey-like.
  • Spoon-thick.

How is thermal sensitization used to trigger the swallowing reflex?

Thermal sensitization consists of applying cold (thermal) contact to the base of the anterior faucial arches to pre-stimulate the oral cavity prior to the introduction of a bolus and trigger the swallowing reflex more rapidly. How Can Speech-Language Pathologists Think About Sensation During Swallowing Evaluation and Intervention?

How is tactile stimulation used to treat swallowing disorders?

Thermal tactile stimulation also, known as thermal application is one type of therapy used for the treatment of swallowing disorders. This method involves stroking or rubbing the anterior faucial pillars with a cold probe prior to having the patient swallow.

How is thermo-tactile stimulation used in clinical practice?

Recent clinical practice survey data have supported the fact that clinicians continue to use thermo-tactile stimulation (TTS) as a strategy to stimulate key nerve pathways and evoke a swallow reflex for patients with a delayed or absent swallow reflex.

How is thermal sensitization used in the oral cavity?

Thermal sensitization consists of applying cold (thermal) contact to the base of the anterior faucial arches in order to sensitize the area of the oral cavity where the reflex is triggered.