What is World Englishes according to Kachru?

This paper examines the pioneering model of World Englishes formulated by Kachru in the early 1980s that allocates the presence of English into three concentric circles: first of all, the inner circle (Great Britain, the USA) where the language functions as an L1 (or native language); secondly, the outer circle (India.

What is the main characteristics of the so called World Englishes?

The term World Englishes refers to the differences in the English language that emerge as it is used in various contexts across the world. Scholars of World Englishes identify the varieties of English used in different sociolinguistic contexts, analyzing their history, background, function, and influence.

What is the Kachru 3 circles?

This paper attempts to examine in a descriptive way the pioneering model of “World Englishes” proposed by Kachru in the mid-1980s that allocates the presence of English into three concentric circles: The Inner Circle, the Outer Circle, and the Expanding Circle.

What are the varieties of World Englishes?

Varieties of World English include American English, Australian English, Babu English, Banglish, British English, Canadian English, Caribbean English, Chicano English, Chinese English, Denglish (Denglisch), Euro-English, Hinglish, Indian English, Irish English, Japanese English, New Zealand English, Nigerian English.

What are the three circles of World Englishes?

In this model the diffusion of English is captured in terms of three Concentric Circles of the language: The Inner Circle, the Outer Circle, and the Expanding Circle. The Inner Circle refers to English as it originally took shape and was spread across the world in the first diaspora.

What is the importance of World Englishes?

With 2 billion speakers worldwide, English is the largest language by the number of speakers. It is also the third largest language by the number of native speakers. As the most common language, English has the power of connecting people from many different cultures, building relationships and understanding.

What is the difference between World English and World Englishes?

World English vs. World English refers to the English language as a lingua franca used in business, trade, diplomacy and other spheres of global activity, while World Englishes refers to the different varieties of English and English-based creoles developed in different regions of the world.

Why there are three circles of World Englishes?

The different circles are:

  • The Inner Circle is made up the traditional bases of English and its speakers are the ones in charge of providing the norms.
  • The Outer Circle represents the places where they speak official non-native varieties of English because of their colonial history.

What are the stages of the spread of the English?

In general, English language history is split into three sections: Old English, Middle English and Modern English. Whilst linguists and scholars do hotly contest these labels, and exactly when or how each period begins, we can see a distinct change in the language over these three phases.

How important is English for your future?

Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or for finding work abroad. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work!

Why is there no wrong way of speaking English?

Without shared culture, a language becomes so obtuse that no one cares to speak it. Indeed, these changes in words and sounds has always been part of English: after all, Old English is completely unintelligible to speakers of the language today.