What kind of pain is caused by costochondritis?

This article has been viewed 184,698 times. Costochondritis, also called chest wall pain, costosternal syndrome, or costosternal chondrodynia, occurs when the cartilage between a rib and the breastbone (sternum) becomes inflamed and swollen.

How long does it take for costochondritis to resolve?

Costochondritis typically affects the third, fourth, and fifth costosternal joints in contrast to Tietze’s syndrome, which usually affects the second or third costosternal joint. Pain from costochondritis typically resolves within one year.

Can a heart attack be similar to costochondritis?

Costochondritis symptoms can be similar to the chest pain associated with a heart attack.

What should you do if you have costochondritis?

Costochondritis. Cases with persistent discomfort may be managed with cortisone injections or surgery may be indicated if the condition is severe. Individuals with costochondritis are typically instructed to avoid strenuous physical activity to prevent the onset of an attack.

Costochondritis (rare plural: costochondritides) is a common self-limiting painful inflammation of multiple costochondral junctions and/or the costosternal articulation. There is usually a distinct absence of swelling and chest wall palpation usually reproduces the pain.

In the majority of cases, costochondritis is a self-limiting condition, with resolution in weeks to months. And in general, analgesia to control the pain suffices, e.g. NSAIDs or acetaminophen. Clearly avoiding any activities that aggravate/produce the symptoms is sensible.

Is there a difference between Tietze syndrome and costochondritis?

There is usually a distinct absence of swelling and chest wall palpation usually reproduces the pain. It is important to not conflate/confuse this diagnosis with Tietze syndrome, which is a different, rarer, condition 1,2.

Are there any home remedies for costochondritis pain?

Costochondritis pain may be responsive to home remedies like over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics such as acetaminophen and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Placing a heating pad or warm compress over the painful area may help.