What medication helps IED?

There are no specific medications for IED, but certain medications may help to reduce impulsive behavior or aggression. These include: antidepressants, in particular selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) mood stabilizers, including lithium, valproic acid, and carbamazepine.

How do you treat anger outbursts?

Start by considering these 10 anger management tips.

  1. Think before you speak.
  2. Once you’re calm, express your anger.
  3. Get some exercise.
  4. Take a timeout.
  5. Identify possible solutions.
  6. Stick with ‘I’ statements.
  7. Don’t hold a grudge.
  8. Use humor to release tension.

How do I stop an explosive anger?

Here are some techniques to help you stay calm.

  1. Check yourself. It’s hard to make smart choices when you’re in the grips of a powerful negative emotion.
  2. Don’t dwell.
  3. Change the way you think.
  4. Relax.
  5. Improve your communication skills.
  6. Get active.
  7. Recognize (and avoid) your triggers.

What is a manic rage?

Mania in particular tends to trigger aggressive emotions and anger. The racing thoughts and high energy levels you experience can leave you feeling angry, irritable, and frustrated. Those angry emotions, in turn, can cause aggressive and inappropriate behaviors.

What medication is best for anger?

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications Antidepressants such as Prozac, Celexa and Zoloft are commonly prescribed for anger issues. These drugs do not specifically target anger within the body, but they do have a calming effect that can support control of rage and negative emotion.

What mental illness causes extreme anger?

Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is an impulse-control disorder characterized by sudden episodes of unwarranted anger. The disorder is typified by hostility, impulsivity, and recurrent aggressive outbursts. People with IED essentially “explode” into a rage despite a lack of apparent provocation or reason.

What does a manic rage look like?

Mania as a mood is in many ways the opposite of depression, but it is still not healthy. During a manic mood, you may feel jumpy, wired, agitated, and even euphoric. Your confidence will soar and you feel energetic and like you can’t stop moving or doing.

Why am I so easily angered?

Common triggers for anger may include injustice, stress, financial issues, family or personal problems, traumatic events, or feeling unheard or undervalued. Sometimes, physiological processes, such as hunger, chronic pain, fear, or panic can also provoke anger for no apparent reason.