What runes are good for Annie?

The best Annie runes for Mid Lane are Sorcery as the Primary and Domination as a Secondary. Within the Sorcery tree, The Best Keystone Rune used will be Arcane Comet.

Is Annie support a thing?

With Annie’s new changes from 10.22 to Molten Shield, she now has a pretty decent shield. It’s quite strong with support items, and it adds to her teamfight potential, along with Summon: Tibbers and her crowd control with Pyromania.

Is Annie a tank?

Her spells and AP ratios make her a prime AP Carry; her AA range, spells, and stun makes her a great AD Carry; Her spells and her health/Mana ratios make her a decent tank if built that way (or more a bruiser/offtank); And to top it all off, she can jungle pretty well too, and doesn’t necessarily REQUIRE the blue buff …

Can Annie support LOL?

Annie’s Molten Shield (E) will have its mana cost increased from 20 to 40, but it gets quite the compensation. The Dark Child will now be able to cast the shield on an ally, making her a viable support pick.

How do you get Annie Versary?

While not too many details are known about the skin itself, like its rarity or what the skills look like, Annie-versary can be earned by logging into League of Legends during the game’s 11 Days of Gifting event and playing a game.

Who counter Annie mid?

Items like Banshee’s Veil, Guardian’s Angle, QSS or Zhonya’s Hourglass are great against Annie as they protect you from her burst damage.

Who is good with Annie support?

Varus, MF, Lucian, Twitch, Draven, Kalista, Ashe and Ezreal are all decent with annie I’d have thought. She’s fairly flexible but lacks defensive options so I’d avoid pairing her with an ADC that needs to be babysat like Vayne or Kog’maw.

Who does Annie counter?

Annie Counter Pick

Win Rate Play Rate
TaliyahStoneweaver 48.75% 0.94%
ViktorMachine Herald 51.45% 1.61%
YasuoUnforgiven 49.53% 5.62%
AkaliFist of Shadow 48.25% 4.71%

Is Annie support any good?

She is okay, not really top tier, but playable if you don’t blindpick her. I’d use her as a long-range initiator for your team (like a ranged AP Leona with damage over tankyness), to force engages and to make picks on squishies. Runes+items = Shurelia + Predator + as much damage as possible (Spellbinder, Raba, Void).

Is the a way to get Annie-Versary skin?

While not too many details are known about the skin itself, like its rarity or what the skills look like, Annie-versary can be earned by logging into League of Legends during the game’s 11 Days of Gifting event and playing a game. This skin is jarring.

When to use full tank Annie in RuneScape?

Full Tank Annie scales very well into late game but you might have some trouble in early/early mid game. Your very high armor and high magic resistance comes with the price of having relatively low health, this can be a problem, before you get Rylai’s Crystal Scepter or Warmog’s Armor.

Which is the best Annie build to play?

After being tired of playing AP Annie mid all the time, I tried out new builds and strategies such as Support Annie, Jungle Annie, AD Annie, Hybrid Annie, AP Offtank Annie and recently Full Tank Annie. They’re all more or less useful (mostly less) but Full Tank Annie seems to be the most valueable of these.

Can a Jungler take garrison in tank Annie?

This spell is usually taken by the jungler, since you won’t jungle much (except some counter jungling in mid/late game maybe) you shouldn’t take Smite at all. This is actually an option for you in Dominion, Garrison is usually taken by tanks in that game mode.

What can you do with Annie’s heal in RuneScape?

Currently Heal not only heals you but gives you a speed buff at the moment, which is pretty useful. However it doesn’t help you a lot, since it’s not that powerful late game and usually don’t need it as you’re very tanky. You can use it for escpaing but there are more powerful alternatives such as Flash or Ghost.