What term means well tested concept that explains many observations?

scientific theory. a well tested concept that explains a wide range of observations.

What is a well tested hypothesis that explains many scientific observation?

A well-tested explanation that explains a lot of observations is called a. Theory. In science, a theory is well-tested and explains a lot of. Observations. During a controlled experiment, a scientist isolates and tests.

What is a well tested explanation for a set of observations?

A scientific theory is a well-tested and consistently verified explanation for a set of observations or phenomena.

What is a set of well tested hypothesis or principle that explains observations?

A scientific theory is a well-tested and consistently verified explanation for a set of observations or phenomena. A scientific law is a description, often in the form of a mathematical formula, of the behaviour of an aspect of nature under certain circumstances. Two types of logical reasoning are used in science.

What is another name for natural selection?

What is another word for natural selection?

Darwinism adaptation
survival of the fittest evolutionary theory
Darwinian theory artificial selection
law of the jungle social Darwinism
social evolution natural process

What is the one variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis?

the manipulated variable
The variable that is purposely changed to test a hypothesis is called the manipulated variable (also called the independent variable).

What is a well known theory?

A scientific theory is a broad explanation for events that is widely accepted as true. A scientific theory is more like a fact than a guess because it is so well-supported. There are several well-known theories in biology, including the theory of evolution, cell theory, and germ theory.

Is a well-tested and widely accepted view that best explains certain scientific observations?

A scientific hypothesis is a well-tested and widely accepted view that the scientific community agrees best explains certain observable facts.

Is the information gathered from making observations?

information gathered from observations is called evidence, or data.

What is the name for the well tested explanation of what makes up all matter?

A scientific theory is a well-tested, broad explanation of a natural phenomenon. In everyday life, we often use the word theory to mean a hypothesis or educated guess, but a theory in the context of science is not simply a guess—it is an explanation based on extensive and repeated experimentation.

What are the similarities between hypothesis and theory?

Comparison chart

Hypothesis Theory
Based on Suggestion, possibility, projection or prediction, but the result is uncertain. Evidence, verification, repeated testing, wide scientific consensus
Testable Yes Yes
Falsifiable Yes Yes
Is well-substantiated? No Yes

What is difference between hypothesis and theory?

In scientific reasoning, a hypothesis is an assumption made before any research has been completed for the sake of testing. A theory on the other hand is a principle set to explain phenomena already supported by data. And that’s where we see the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.