What was Indonesia previously called?

Netherlands East Indies
Formal Name: Republic of Indonesia (Republik Indonesia; the word Indonesia was coined from the Greek indos—for India—and nesos—for island). Short Form: Indonesia. Former Names: Netherlands East Indies; Dutch East Indies.

What is Indonesia also known as?

Indonesia is the common and official name to refer to the Republic of Indonesia or Indonesian archipelago; however, other names, such as Nusantara and East Indies are also known.

What was Indonesia called before colonization?

the Dutch East Indies
In 1596 the first Dutch vessels anchored at the shores of West Java. Over the next three centuries, the Dutch gradually colonized this archipelago until it became known as the Dutch East Indies.

What was Indonesia known for?

Although their food is delicious and their traditions are pretty interesting, the main reason why Indonesia is famous is its places. More than 20 million people visit Indonesia per year, and its basically because they want to see their famous beaches, (active) volcanoes and fantastic landscapes.

Why do they call it Indonesia?

The name Indonesia derives from Greek words of Indos (Ἰνδός) and nesos (νῆσος), meaning “Indian islands”. The name dates to the 18th century, far predating the formation of independent Indonesia.

What is a fun fact about Indonesia?

Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world The island of Java is home to over half of the population but is the size of New York State. There are over ten million people living in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, located on the island of Java too.

Who is the most famous person in Indonesia?

Famous people from Indonesia

  • Sukarno. Politician.
  • Suharto. Politician.
  • Agnes Monica. Dance-pop Artist.
  • Fatin Shidqia. Singer.
  • Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. Politician.
  • Taufik Hidayat. Olympic Badminton Player.
  • Megawati Sukarnoputri. Politician.
  • Joko Widodo. Politician.

What is the main religion in Indonesia?

Share of population Indonesia 2010 by religion According to population census data in 2010, 87 percent of Indonesians declared themselves to be Muslim, followed by 9.87 percent who were Christian. Indonesia has the largest Islamic population in the world and for this reason is often recognized as a Muslim nation.

Where did the country of Indonesia get its name?

Indonesia was formerly known as the Dutch East Indies (or Netherlands East Indies). Although Indonesia did not become the country’s official name until the time of independence, the name was used as early as 1884 by a German geographer; it is thought to derive from the Greek indos, meaning “India,” and nesos,…

What was Indonesia known for in early times?

In early times timber and spices of Java and the eastern islands were known afar, as were the resins from the exceptionally wet equatorial jungle in the western islands of Sumatra and Borneo.

When did Indonesia become known as the Dutch East Indies?

The word Indonesia was born in the 19th century Europe and became mainstream among European academics (outside the Netherlands) in the early 20th century. During much of the Dutch colonial era, Europeans called it Dutch East Indies. From the 17th century onward,…

How many islands does Indonesia have in the world?

Indonesia is an archipelagic country of 17,000 to 18,000 islands (8,844 named and 922 permanently inhabited) stretching along the equator in South East Asia. The country’s strategic sea-lane position fostered inter-island and international trade; trade has since fundamentally shaped Indonesian history.