What was the Electoral College map in 2008?

The Electoral College map looked similar to the 2008 map with two exceptions. Obama won Indiana and North Carolina in 2008 as part of his victory over McCain. Romney won both states in 2012.

How can I find out the electoral votes for my state?

Click on the name of a State to see its Certificate of Ascertainment. Click on the number of electoral votes for each state to see its Certificate of Vote. *Maine appoints its electors proportionally.

How are the electoral votes distributed in Maine?

Maine distributes its electoral votes proportionally, with two at-large electors representing the statewide winning presidential and vice presidential candidates and one elector each representing the winners from its two Congressional districts.

What was the minimum number of votes needed to win the presidency in 2012?

Third party and other nominations. Four other parties nominated candidates that had ballot access or write-in access to at least 270 electoral votes, the minimum number of votes needed in the 2012 election to win the presidency through a majority of the electoral college.

What do the numbers mean for the electoral votes?

Blue denotes states won by Obama/Biden and red denotes those won by Romney/Ryan. Numbers indicate electoral votes cast by each state and the District of Columbia.

Who are the faithless electors in the Electoral College?

A faithless elector is a member of the Electoral College who does not vote for the presidential or vice-presidential candidate for whom they had pledged to vote. i.e., they vote for another candidate or fail to vote.

How are electoral votes allocated in each state?

States are allotted electoral votes based on the number of representatives they have in the House plus their two senators. Electors are apportioned according to the population of each state, but even the least populous states are constitutionally guaranteed a minimum of three electors (one representative and two senators).

What are the Electoral College results for Maine?

Biden-Harris won in the First Congressional District and took the state; Trump-Pence won the Second Congressional District. Maine’s electoral votes were proportionally awarded accordingly: for President, Biden 3 and Trump 1; for Vice President, Harris 3 and Pence 1. **Nebraska appoints its electors proportionally.