What was the Moon phase on November 23?

Waxing Gibbous Phase The Waxing Gibbous on November 23 has an illumination of 63%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. On November 23 the Moon is 8.58 days old.

What happened to tonight’s moon?

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waning Crescent phase.

What was the Moon on November 23 1992?

Moon Phases November 1992

<< October November 1992 December >>
Sunday Monday Thursday
22 Waning crescent Visible: 5% ↓ Age: 27.55 days 23 New Visible: 1% ↓ Age: 28.61 days 26 Waxing crescent Visible: 5% ↑ Age: 2.12 days
29 Waxing crescent Visible: 26% ↑ Age: 4.93 days 30 Waxing crescent Visible: 34% ↑ Age: 5.82 days 3

What was the Moon on November 23 1999?

Full Moon Moonrise and Moonset.

Is the moon really rusting?

The moon is turning ever so slightly red, and it’s likely Earth’s fault. Our planet’s atmosphere may be causing the moon to rust, new research finds. Rust, also known as an iron oxide, is a reddish compound that forms when iron is exposed to water and oxygen. “The Moon is a terrible environment for [rust] to form in.”

When was the full moon November 1992?

Dates of Moon Phases in 1992 Year

Lunar Phase Local Date & Time — Mountain View (America/Los Angeles) UTC Date & Time
Last Quarter October 18, Sun 04:13
New Moon October 25, Sun 20:34
First Quarter November 2, Mon 09:10
Full Moon November 10, Tue 09:21

What was the Moon on November 10 1992?

Full Moon and New Moon for November 1992 The Full Moon for this month will occur in the second week on Tuesday, November 10th. The New Moon will happen later in November on Tuesday, November 24th.

What phase was the moon in November 1 1999?

Moon phase details at 1 November 1999

Moon Phase details
Phase Waning crescent
Illumination 46.06% Visible
Ris/Set 12:00 AM / 01:13 PM
Moon Age 22.52 Days

What phase was the moon in November 29 1999?

On this day the Moon was in a Third Quarter phase.

What comes after a full moon?

After the full moon (maximum illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs next.

When is the next full moon in India?

The next full Moon is the Cold Moon, Frost Moon, Winter Moon, Beaver Moon, Oak Moon, Moon Before Yule, Child Moon, Kartik Purnima, Karthika Deepam and Tazaungdaing Festival Moon, and Ill Poya. The next full Moon will be early on Monday morning, November 30, 2020, appearing opposite the Sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 4:30 AM EST.

When is the next full moon in New York?

Full Moon: Jan 28, 2021 at 2:16 pm (Next Phase) First Quarter: Jan 20, 2021 at 4:01 pm (Previous Phase) Permalink for New York: Moon phases for New York, USA.

Where is the Moon currently in the sky?

Compute The Moon ephemerides for any date and time between 01 Jan 2013 and 31 Dec 2100 and display the predicted position in an interactive sky map. The Moon is currently in the constellation of Virgo.

When is the next waxing moon?

Current Time: Mar 16, 2019 at 4:24:57 am. Moon Phase Tonight: Waxing Gibbous. Full Moon: Mar 20, 2019 at 9:42 pm. (Next Phase) First Quarter: Mar 14, 2019 at 6:27 am.