Where is the default position of the status bar?

The default position of a status bar is along the bottom of the parent window, but you can specify the CCS_TOP style to have it appear at the top of the parent window’s client area. You can specify the SBARS_SIZEGRIP style to include a sizing grip at the right end of the status bar.

Where is the sizing grip on the status bar?

You can specify the SBARS_SIZEGRIP style to include a sizing grip at the right end of the status bar. Combining the CCS_TOP and SBARS_SIZEGRIP styles is not recommended because the resulting sizing grip is not functional.

What’s the text on the status bar in paint?

The status bar can be divided into parts to display more than one type of information. The following screen shot shows the status bar in the Microsoft Windows Paint application. In this case, the status bar contains the text “For Help, click Help Topics on the Help Menu”.

How do I set the height of the status bar?

An application can set the minimum height of a status bar’s drawing area by sending the window an SB_SETMINHEIGHT message, specifying the minimum height, in pixels. The drawing area does not include the window’s borders. A minimum height is useful for drawing in an owner-drawn status bar.

What to do if your status bar has only one part?

If your application uses a status bar that has only one part, you can use the WM_SETTEXT, WM_GETTEXT, and WM_GETTEXTLENGTH messages to perform text operations. These messages deal only with the part that has an index of zero, allowing you to treat the status bar much like a static text control.

Is it possible to set the size of the status bar?

Combining the CCS_TOP and SBARS_SIZEGRIP styles is not recommended because the resulting sizing grip is not functional. The window procedure for the status bar automatically sets the initial size and position of the window, ignoring the values specified in the CreateWindowEx function.

How do I get Count of parts in status bar?

You retrieve a count of the parts in a status bar, as well as the coordinate of the right edge of each part, by sending the window an SB_GETPARTS message.