Who assassinated Commodus?

Narcissus (b. 2nd century C.E.) was a Roman athlete, likely a wrestler, from the 2nd century AD. He assassinated the Roman Emperor Commodus in 192 AD.

Is Hercules a Commodus?

Commodus as Hercules, also known as The Bust of Commodus as Hercules, is a marble portrait sculpture created sometime in early 192 AD. It is housed in the Capitoline Museums in Rome, Italy….Commodus as Hercules.

Bust of Commodus
Type Sculpture
Medium Marble
Subject Commodus
Dimensions 133 cm (52 in)

Did Commodus really fight as a gladiator?

Assassination (192) In November 192, Commodus held Plebeian Games, in which he shot hundreds of animals with arrows and javelins every morning, and fought as a gladiator every afternoon, winning all the fights.

Was Commodus a good emperor?

Commodus was a terrible ruler by virtually any standard. His fictionalized depiction as a mad emperor in the film Gladiator actually plays down some of his less believable excesses while giving him a nobler death.

Who was the worst Roman Emperor?

The 5 Worst Roman Emperors

  • Caligula: 37 – 41 AD. A bust of Caligula.
  • Nero: 54 – 68 AD. As with all emperors, the horror stories may be the work of his enemies, but Nero has many to his name.
  • Commodus: 180 – 192 AD.
  • Caracalla: 198 – 217 AD.
  • Maximinus Thrax: 235 to 238 AD.

Who was the most loved Roman Emperor?

5 of Rome’s Greatest Emperors

  • Augustus. Gaius Octavius (63 BC – 14 AD) founded the Roman Empire in 27 BC.
  • Trajan 98 – 117 AD. Marcus Ulpius Trajanus (53 –117 AD) is one of consecutive Five Good Emperors, three of whom are listed here.
  • Hadrian 117 – 138 AD.
  • Marcus Aurelius 161 – 180 AD.
  • Aurelian 270 – 275 AD.

Is any of gladiator true?

The film is loosely based on real events that occurred within the Roman Empire in the latter half of the 2nd century AD. As Ridley Scott wanted to portray Roman culture more accurately than in any previous film, he hired several historians as advisors.

Who was the best Roman leader?

1) Trajan – The Best Roman Emperor and ruler (September 53 AD-8 August 117 AD) The first Roman emperor in our list is Trajan. He reigned from 98 to 117. The Senate has officially given him the title of the best ruler.

Who is the greatest emperor of all time?


Name Description
Constantine the Great Roman emperor
Cnut the Great King of England (1016–1035), Denmark (1018–1035) and Norway (1028–1035).
Cyrus the Great Founder and First Shahanshah of Persia Achaemenid Empire, (in present-day Iran)
Darius the Great Third Shahanshah of Persia Achaemenid Empire, (in present-day Iran)