Who is Apollon Notes From Underground?

Apollon. The Underground Man’s elderly servant. Apollon lives with the Underground Man and performs household tasks for him somewhat grudgingly. The Underground Man thinks that Apollon is constantly judging him, and that he is unforgivably vain.

Is Notes from Underground a classic?

Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky, whose Dostoevsky translations have become the standard, give us a brilliantly faithful edition of this classic novel, conveying all the tragedy and tormented comedy of the original.

Who is the Underground Man in Notes from underground?

Notes from Underground Summary. A note from the author introduces a fictional character known as the underground man, who the author says is “representative of the current generation,” and whose rambling notes will form the novella that is to follow. The underground man begins by telling the reader that he is a sick, spiteful, unattractive man.

What is the second part of notes from underground called?

Notes from Underground. The second part of the book is called “Apropos of the Wet Snow” and describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero.

When was notes from the underground by Fyodor Dostoevsky published?

Notes from the Underground is a novel published by Dostoevsky in 1864. It remains as one of the most important works of existentialist literature. In this work Dostoevsky attempts to justify the existence of individual freedom as a necessary part of humankind. The novel consists of two parts.

What is the second part of the Underground Man Called?

The second part of the book is called “Apropos of the Wet Snow” and describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero. The novel is divided into two parts.

Who is Apollon Notes from Underground?

Apollon. The Underground Man’s elderly servant. Apollon lives with the Underground Man and performs household tasks for him somewhat grudgingly. The Underground Man thinks that Apollon is constantly judging him, and that he is unforgivably vain.

Who is the main character of Notes from the Underground?

The Underground ManFerfichkinSimonovLiza
Notes from Underground/Characters

What is the name of the protagonist in Notes from Underground?

The Underground Man
narrator The anonymous narrator of Notes from Underground is also the novel’s protagonist. The Underground Man is a bitter, reclusive forty-year-old civil servant speaking from his St. Petersburg apartment in the 1860s, though he spends the second section of the novel describing his life as a younger man in the 1840s.

How Hard Is Notes from the Underground?

Notes from Underground is perhaps Dostoevsky’s most difficult work to read, but it also functions as an introduction to his greater novels later in his career. This particular novel advocated the establishment of a utopia based upon the principles of nineteenth-century rationalism, utilitarianism, and socialism.

What is the setting of Notes from the Underground?

Notes from Underground is set in the city of St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) in nineteenth-century Russia. Unlike other cities of Europe, it has no long history since it was only established at the beginning of the eighteenth century by Peter the Great.

Is the underground man intelligent?

He feels himself to be much more intelligent and “conscious” than any of the people he meets. However, he is aware that his consciousness often manifests itself as a skepticism that prevents him from having confidence in any of his actions.

Who is the Underground Man in Notes from underground?

Notes from Underground Summary. A note from the author introduces a fictional character known as the underground man, who the author says is “representative of the current generation,” and whose rambling notes will form the novella that is to follow. The underground man begins by telling the reader that he is a sick, spiteful, unattractive man.

What is the second part of notes from underground called?

Notes from Underground. The second part of the book is called “Apropos of the Wet Snow” and describes certain events that appear to be destroying and sometimes renewing the underground man, who acts as a first person, unreliable narrator and anti-hero.

What happens at the end of the Underground Man?

Here the Underground Man decides to end his notes. In a footnote at the end of the novel, Dostoevsky reveals that the Underground Man fails to make even this simple decision to stop writing, as Dostoevsky says that the manuscript of the notes goes on for many pages beyond the point at which he has chosen to cut it off.

What is the summary of the book Underground?

Book Summary. The narrator introduces himself as a man who lives underground and refers to himself as a spiteful person whose every act is dictated by his spitefulness. Then he suddenly admits that he is not really spiteful, because he finds it is impossible to be anything — he can’t be spiteful or heroic; he can only be nothing.