Do polyps in the cervix need to be removed?

Cervical polyps are growths of tissue on the cervix that are usually non-cancerous and don’t typically cause symptoms. However, a small percentage of cervical polyps can undergo changes that make them precancerous or cancerous. For this reason, it’s advisable to have cervical polyps removed via polypectomy.

What happens when you have a cervical polyp removed?

Having a cervical polyp removed is not painful; however you may feel mild discomfort similar to period pain afterwards. If you are uncomfortable, pain relief will be offered to you. What do I need to do after I go home? You will have some discharge/bleeding which can continue for 2-4 weeks.

Should I worry about a polyp on cervix?

Polyps on the cervix may not cause any noticeable symptoms. However, see your gynecologist right away if you experience vaginal discharge of white or yellow mucus, or abnormally heavy periods. You should also call your doctor if you experience vaginal spotting or bleeding: after sexual intercourse.

What causes polyps on your cervix?

What causes cervical polyps? The cause of cervical polyps is not entirely understood. They may result from infection. They can also result from long-term (chronic) inflammation, an abnormal response to an increase in estrogen levels, or congestion of blood vessels in the cervical canal.

How often are cervical polyps cancerous?

As mentioned earlier, cervical polyps are benign in most cases, although they may be malignant in 0.2 to 1.5% of the cases. The removal of cervical polyps is a simple procedure with low complications. Women who have previously had polyps are at risk of recurrence.

Do cervical polyps grow back?

The polyps do not usually grow back. However, someone who has developed cervical polyps in the past does have a higher risk of developing them again. Therefore, they should have routine pelvic examinations to check for new growths.

What happens when a polyp is removed?

Once polyps are removed they are sent to a lab for analysis. Most biopsies are normal, but if you had one polyp, you are more at risk for others. In this case, Colorectal Surgical Associates may move up your next screening. If the entire polyp was removed, you may not need any additional treatment.

How are cervical polyps treated?

The most common treatment is removal of the polyp during a pelvic exam. This can be done simply by gently twisting the polyp, tying it tightly at the base, or removing it with special forceps. A solution is applied to the base of the polyp to stop any bleeding.

Can polyps on cervix be cancerous?

Cervical polyps are usually not cancerous (benign) and can occur alone or in groups. Most polyps are small, about 1 centimeter to 2 centimeters long. Because rare types of cancerous conditions can look like polyps, all polyps should be removed and examined for signs of cancer.

Can a polyp be removed from the cervix?

Cervical polyps are growths of tissue on the cervix that are usually non-cancerous and don’t typically cause symptoms. However, a small percentage of cervical polyps can undergo changes that make them precancerous or cancerous. For this reason, it’s advisable to have cervical polyps removed via polypectomy.

What are the risk factors for cervical polyps?

The list below outlines some risk factors: 1 Women who have attained menarche are at risk of developing cervical polyps. 2 The risk is higher for women who have had multiple pregnancies. 3 Having a history of cervical polyps. 4 Having an untreated sexually transmitted infection, since this can give rise to cervical inflammation.

Are there any signs or symptoms of cervical polyps?

Although cervical polyps are generally benign, it is estimated that in 1% of instances, they could show signs of precancerous changes in the cells. How Is This Condition Diagnosed And Treated?

Is it possible to recurve polyps after surgery?

However, doctors do recommend surgical removal of polyps once diagnosed, particularly those that are large or unusually shaped. This can be done by means of a fairly straightforward procedure called polypectomy. However, recurrence or reappearance of the growth even after removal is quite possible.