How do I take the pill for the first time?

Quick start. During your medical appointment, take your first pill as soon as you get the pack from your doctor. Take the second pill the next day. During the first 7 days of pills, use a backup method of birth control, like a condom.

How do I take rigevidon NHS?

Continuous use: Take 1 pill daily without a break. Flexible extended use: Take 1 pill daily for at least 21 days. If you get bleeding that’s unacceptable to you, take a 4-day break. On the fifth day start taking the pill daily again and don’t have another break for at least 21 days.

How can I use pregnancy pills?

Take 1 pill every day for 21 days (3 weeks) in a row. Then don’t take any pills for seven days (week 4). You’ll get your period during the fourth week while you aren’t taking any pills. It’s important to take every pill in a 21-day pack because there are no reminder (hormone-free) pills.

Can I take the rigevidon pill continuously?

Yes, Rigevidon stops periods if you take it continuously without a break. If you stop taking it, your period will begin as normal again, although it may take up to 6 months after stopping the contraceptive pill to return to your normal pattern of bleeding.

Are you protected during the 7 day break on the pill?

Yes. When you’re on the pill, it’s okay to have sex anytime, even during your period week — the week when you don’t take the pill or take placebo pills instead. As long as you’ve been taking your pill every day and starting your pill packs on time, you’re protected from pregnancy even during that off week.

How safe is rigevidon contraceptive pill?

For most of us, the pill is extremely safe. As well as being a form of contraception, it can also provide health benefits including a reduced cancer risk, relief from acne, painful periods, premenstrual syndrome, polycystic ovaries and endometriosis. But that doesn’t mean it comes without side effects.

Can rigevidon make you depressed?

But that doesn’t mean it comes without side effects. For one in every 10 pill-takers, there’ll be headaches, spots, mood swings (including depression), a reduced libido, breast pain, nausea, irregular bleeding, a change in weight, or unusual discharge that come along for the ride.

Why are there calls to stop the Rigevidon pill?

After the death of one young woman from Rigevidon, and the serious health complications of many more, there are calls to stop the contraceptive pill from being offered on the NHS. Six years ago, 483 young women turned up to Tamworth’s family planning clinic during a week in May – all demanding to be taken off their contraceptive pills.

What kind of hormone is in the Rigevidon pill?

If you break it down, Rigevidon is a contraceptive pill containing 30 mcg Ethinylestradiol (the hormone oestrogen) and 150 mcg Levonorgestrel (the hormone progesterone). As far as the hormone content is concerned, it is identical to other pills which have been on the market for decades, including Microgynon and Ovranette.

What happens to your body when you take Rigevidon?

During your pill-free week the levels of hormones in your blood fall and you’ll usually get a withdrawal bleed that’s like your period. ▪️ Rigevidon is most often prescribed for young women who don’t have any major health issues. It’s not suitable for women who have an increased risk of getting a blood clot, including women over 35 who smoke.

How many milligrams of ethinylestradiol does Rigevidon take?

Rigevidon is the same as other combined pills containing ethinylestradiol 30 micrograms and levonorgestrel 150 micrograms. These include Microgynon 30, Levest and Ovranette. How does Rigevidon work? Each Rigevidon tablet contains two active ingredients, ethinylestradiol 30 micrograms and levonorgestrel 150 micrograms.