How do you get Curie to like you fast?

To raise her affinity you need to be a nice and generous person. You basically have to offer help and give your stuff away to help others. One example of this would be giving the alcoholic in diamond city a nuka cola.

What faction does Curie like the most?

4 She Likes The Brotherhood Of Steel . . . The Brotherhood of Steel is the same as Covenant for Curie. She approves once you join them.

Why is curie the best companion?

Curie is one of the more interesting companions in the game. Although she starts out as a robot designed for utility, she can become much more human-like in appearance. It allows Curie to completely heal you once per an in-game day if your health drops below 10 percent.

Can you romance Curie as a robot?

We all know that Synth Curie sucks in comparison to robot Curie when it comes to raw firepower, its really hard beating 2 explosive miniguns, 2 fatman launchers, and maybe an Assaultron laser. But usually the downside of that is you can’t romance her due to Emergent Behavior gating her Affinity to 500.

Can you romance Curie as a female?

Curie is a lovely female-voiced robot with a charming French accent. You recruit her simply by finishing the mission Hole in the Wall, which is triggered the second time you visit Vault 81. And yes, you can romance the lady robot.

How do you get Curie to idolize you?

Gaining the Combat Medic perk once Curie has expressed her love for you. When you’ve completed enough of the positive actions above and have completed “Emergent Behavior”, a notification will pop up that Curie “idolizes” you.

Where does Curie go when you dismiss her?

Curie has a verified bug on the PS4 whereupon dismissal, she will return to the medical room in Vault 81. This is regardles of where you send her in the first place.

Can Curie be romanced?

Finally having romanced Curie, you can sleep in a bed for any length of time while Curie loves you (and is your companion) in order to gain the temporary “Lover’s Embrace” perk. This perk grants you a 15% boost in XP for 12 hours, so take advantage of this temporary boost by completing a big mission after your nap!

Can you sleep with Curie?

Finally having romanced Curie, you can sleep in a bed for any length of time while Curie loves you (and is your companion) in order to gain the temporary “Lover’s Embrace” perk.