How long does it take Amberen to work?

Helps restore hormonal balance: Amberen is estrogen-free, soy-free, and herb-free and helps get to the root cause of menopause symptoms. Noticeable results within 30 days: Significant clinical results occurred between 30-90 days.

Does Amberen cause weight loss?

But Amberen restores hormonal balance naturally, so the weight can just fall right off. Even that stubborn belly fat. Plus, Amberen eliminates other symptoms of hormonal aging, like hot flashes, night sweats, low libido, difficulty concentrating, and more.”

Does Amberen perimenopause help with weight gain?

Amberen menopause supplement has been found to be very effective in relieving women of their symptoms, such as hot sweats and mood swings; it has even helped some women lose unnecessary weight as well.

Does Amberen increase estrogen?

Amberen affects blood hormones and leads to a statistically significant increase in estradiol levels, which can in part explain the positive effect of the supplement on the menopausal symptoms.

Does Amberen contain black cohosh?

Amberen is backed by human clinical trials and over 40 years of research. Amberen does not contain any soy, plant estrogens, black cohosh, or synthetic hormones.

Why does Amberen contain MSG?

Why does this have msg? MSG plays several important functions in the body, including healthy brain function and energy production. When it comes to Amberen, it contains 12.5 times less MSG than that in a typical serving of food with added MSG.

Does Amberen help balance hormones?

Every maturing woman will eventually transition through “the change.” Amberen can help restore hormonal balance, improving quality of life as an aide to menopause management. While individual symptoms will vary, relief can be noticed within the clinically recommended 90 days.

Is black cohosh bad for you?

In clinical trials, people have taken black cohosh for as long as 12 months with no serious harmful effects. Black cohosh can cause some mild side effects, such as stomach upset, cramping, headache, rash, a feeling of heaviness, vaginal spotting or bleeding, and weight gain.

Is there any scientific evidence for the use of amberen?

The scientific evidence surrounding the ingredients of Amberen doesn’t support the claims they make. The research we located didn’t mention most of the menopause symptoms the company says will be relieved with its use.

Are there any vitamins and minerals in amberen?

Amberen Quality of Ingredients. Amberen does contain a lot of good ingredients like glycine, vitamin E, zinc and magnesium. But, it also contains MSG, and didn’t really provide a great explanation as to why this ingredient is used in the first place.

Are there any side effects to taking amberen?

** No adverse side effects were observed during clinical studies. Caution: Amberen is not intended for use by pregnant or nursing women. Do not take if you have severe hypertension. If you are taking prescription medication or have any medical condition, consult your doctor before use.

What kind of hormones can you take with amberen?

Amberen is free of hormones ϕ, drugs, estrogen, herbs, soy, gluten, and caffeine.