How much does it cost to build a 26×26 garage?

Garage Sizes and Prices

Size Square Footage Price Range
20×24 (1.5 car) 480 $19,200 – $33,600
24×24 (2 cars) 576 $23,000 – $40,300
20×30 (2 cars deep) 600 $24,000 – $42,000
26×26 (2.5 cars) 676 $27,000 – $47,300

What’s the cost of a 2 car garage?

The Cost of Adding a Single or Double Car Garage As for a “bare-bones” garage (a simple garage structure that doesn’t include any of the amenities mentioned above), the cost will be anywhere between $200 and $240 per square foot. When it comes to a turnkey double car garage, that’s likely to cost about $50,000.

How much does it cost to build a garage by square feet?

Garage Cost Per Square Foot A two-car garage costs an average of $52 per square feet to build. Custom garage construction costs, like a slab foundation, security system, and livable loft space, mean you could pay between $35 and $90 per square foot.

How many square feet is a 2 car garage?

Two Car Garage Square Feet (Sq Ft) So, as we described above, the average Width of a 2-car garage is around 18ft and the length (depth) is around 20ft. Therefore, the average square footage of 2 car garage is around 18ft X 20ft = 360 Sq Ft.

Does price per square foot include garage?

Calculating Cost Per Square Foot *Livable square feet does not include porches, garages, driveways, or unfinished space (like attics) in the home, but the cost of these items IS included in total cost.

How much does it cost to build a garage?

The materials alone, calculated at the average $40 to $50 per square foot price, will total anywhere from $5,000 to $7,000. The additional costs go toward the costs of hiring the contractor, any sub-contractors, and paying for any required building permits. Garage apartment plans are traditional garages that include finished living quarters.

How much does it cost to tear down a garage?

The cost to tear down your old garage and rebuild it runs $44 to $85 per square foot for most common projects. Garage demolition costs $4 to $8 per square foot for detached structures or $5 to $15 per square foot for attached structures because it’s far harder to remove something attached to avoid damaging your home.

How to calculate the cost of a detached garage?

Assumptions: This calculator estimates the cost to build a detached garage, a freestanding building which you have to walk outside to get to. This garage does not include an enclosure along the path or a covered walkway, which of course could be added for an additional expense.

How does the size of a garage affect the cost?

As an example, different garage designs are going to have different costs. You can also make garages in basically any size, and size will also impact your cost.