Teaching children with disabilities has been one of the most challenging endeavors to both parents and teachers. People tend to learn myriad of things and activities during childhood; for example, the ability to talk, walk, and interact with others. Until recently, learning disabilities were not recognized as actual disabilities (Narang & Gupta, 2014). Notably, in identifying a learning disability, it would be immaterial to view the disability in terms of social, academic, or life related since others find learning disabilities more of difficulty in initiating cognitive processes. This paper aims at discussing the issue of how hard it is to teach children with disabilities, and how slow they respond to cognitive processes.

Kindergarten Students Learning to Tell Time 2003

According to Oluka and Eke (2015), the first step towards teaching children with learning disabilities involves understanding the actual type of disability that the child has developed. One of the causes of learning disabilities is the presence of neurological disorders among the children as they grow up. The types of learning disabilities include dyslexia, which is the incapability to read appropriately, dyscalculia that manifests itself in the inability to carry out math reasoning. Additionally, dysgraphia, which is problem with syntax, autism, audial and visuals are also types of difficulties (Bateman, 2014).

Evidently, a child suffering from learning disorders would experience a number of problems in activities such as writing, studying, reading, speaking, math skills and social skills. In order to help children with learning disabilities, teachers and parents need to ask questions regularly in a clarifying manner that will help the children describe their personal understanding of the questions (Shillingsburg Et al., 2011). In addition, the children should have access to clearly written notes. In conclusion, teaching children with disabilities requires patience, commitment and understanding.