What is morcellation of uterus?

Morcellation is a surgical technique used to reduce the size of the uterus or myomas by creating smaller pieces to allow the tissue to be removed through small incisions or with laparoscopic instruments.

What is a Bivalved uterus?

Uterine bivalving or hemisection is performed by splitting the uterus in the midline into halves before removal. This allows one half of the uterus to be temporarily displaced into the pelvis, providing greater mobility and visualization for surgical removal other half of the uterus.

What is manual morcellation?

Gynecologic surgery often employs tissue extraction techniques to remove a large specimen (uterus or leiomyomas) through a small incision. A common tissue extraction technique is morcellation (cutting a specimen into small pieces).

Is morcellation still used?

Due to this increased risk, the FDA continues to recommend use of laparoscopic power morcellation only in appropriate women undergoing myomectomy or hysterectomy. In addition, the FDA recommends that when morcellation is appropriate, only contained morcellation be performed.

What does morcellation mean medically?

Morcellation is when tissue such as your uterus or fibroids are cut into smaller pieces to allow them to be removed more easily. This can be done using an instrument called a morcellator. The use of morcellation may mean you can have your operation done laparoscopically (using small cuts on your abdomen) or vaginally.

At what size should uterus be removed?

Most of the gynecologic surgeons will not remove a uterus weighing > 300 g either via the vagina or by the LAVH technique. Uteri > 300 g are hard to pull out through the vagina without any incision.

What does Supracervical mean?

: situated or occurring above a neck or cervical process supracervical hysterectomy.

How does a morcellator work?

A power morcellator is a surgical tool that doctors use to cut bigger chunks of tissue into smaller ones, usually during laparoscopic surgery. Surgeons use them mainly during gynecological procedures such as a laparoscopic hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) and myomectomy (fibroid removal).

What is bag morcellation?

In-bag morcellation (IBM) offers a viable option to retrieve the specimen without risking dissemination of an unknown/occult malignancy during gynaecological laparoscopy. WA Gynaescope technique is a step forward in the currently accepted techniques for IBM.

Is hysteroscopic morcellation safe?

The instrument and technique allows women to avoid a traditional, open and more invasive hysterectomy with more blood loss and potential complications. But in 2014, the FDA warned that 1 in 350 women who undergo morcellation for hysterectomy or myomectomy may have undiagnosed uterine cancer.

How can I get pregnant fast after myomectomy?

Here are a few tips to keep in mind that may help you have a successful pregnancy after myomectomy.

  1. Consuming a balanced diet. “Soon after surgery, you should consume a healthy diet that is rich in protein.
  2. Tracking your menstrual cycles.
  3. Assessing Tubal Factors.
  4. Resuming Exercise.

What size fibroid requires surgery?

A fibroid of 14 cm size is a sizable fibroid and needs surgical removal at this age. There is likelihood of having few more fibroids or the seedlings of fibroids in the uterus which will be revealed during surgery also.

Can uterine fibroid morcellation spread cancer?

Women with unsuspected uterine sarcoma who undergo morcellation of presumed fibroids are at risk for cancer to spread within the abdomen and pelvis. Due to this increased risk, the FDA continues to recommend limiting the use of laparoscopic power morcellation to certain appropriately selected women undergoing myomectomy or hysterectomy.

What is the mass in the uterus?

An adnexal mass is a tissue mass in the adnexa of the uterus, which refers to the space occupied by the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. These can take the form of different types of malignant or benign masses. In premenopausal women, most adnexal masses are caused by ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, tumors, polycystic ovaries and abscesses.

What is growth in uterus?

Adenomyosis is the growth of uterine tissue from one particular layer of the uterus (the endometrial glands from the lining tissue of the uterus) into the “wrong” layer (the muscle layer, called the myometrium). It is a benign condition, but it can enlarge the uterus, clinically appearing as a growth.