Why would a baby in utero need a blood transfusion?

Fetal anemia occurs when the baby’s blood count is too low. The condition can be life threatening, which is why fetal blood transfusions need to be conducted shortly after discovering fetal anemia. A fetal blood transfusion replaces the red blood cells that may have been destroyed by an infection or Rh incompatibility.

What is IUT procedure?

An Intrauterine transfusion (IUT) is a procedure that provides blood to a fetus, most commonly through the umbilical cord. It is used in cases of severe fetal anemia, such as when fetal red blood cells are being destroyed by maternal antibodies.

How do you manage fetal anemia?

If the anemia is more severe, your baby may need a blood transfusion while in the womb. This procedure is done in the hospital. The blood is transfused through a needle placed into the umbilical vein. Depending on your baby’s anemia, we may recommend additional transfusions.

Why transfusion is given?

Your blood carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body. Blood transfusions replace blood that is lost through surgery or injury or provide it if your body is not making blood properly. You may need a blood transfusion if you have anemia, sickle cell disease, a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, or cancer.

Can you transfuse blood to a fetus?

Transfusions can be given through the fetal abdomen or, more commonly, by delivering the blood into the umbilical vein or artery. Umbilical cord vessel transfusion is the preferred method, because it permits better absorption of blood and has a higher survival rate than does transfusion through the abdomen.

Does Mother transfer blood to baby?

Oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s blood are transferred across the placenta to the fetus through the umbilical cord. This enriched blood flows through the umbilical vein toward the baby’s liver. There it moves through a shunt called the ductus venosus.

When would you use an intrauterine transfusion?

Intrauterine transfusion is a procedure in which red blood cells from a donor are injected into the fetus. Intrauterine transfusion may be recommended when a fetus has anemia (low red blood cell count).

Can a baby have a blood transfusion in the womb?

In the most serious cases, a blood transfusion may be carried out while your baby is still in the womb and a medication called intravenous immunoglobulin may be used when they’re born if phototherapy isn’t effective.

What happens to baby if mom is anemic?

If you have anemia during pregnancy, your baby may not grow to a healthy weight, may arrive early (preterm birth), or have a low birth weight. Also being very tired may keep you from recovering as quickly after birth.

Can anemia cause fetal death?

If left untreated, anemia can lead to fetal death. The most common cause for fetal anemia is an incompatibility between the blood type of the mother and the fetus, called isoimmunization.

Are blood transfusions painful?

The transfusion won’t hurt. A transfusion of one unit of red blood cells usually takes 2 to 4 hours. A transfusion of one unit of platelets takes about 30 to 60 minutes. Your nurse will monitor you carefully during your entire transfusion.

How long do you stay in the hospital after a blood transfusion?

How long does it take to recover from a blood transfusion? After your transfusion, your healthcare provider will recommend that you rest for 24 to 48 hours. You’ll also need to call and schedule a follow-up visit with your healthcare provider.

When do you need an intrauterine transfusion?

An Intrauterine transfusion (IUT) is a procedure that provides blood to a fetus, most commonly through the umbilical cord. It is used in cases of severe fetal anemia, such as when fetal red blood cells are being destroyed by maternal antibodies.

How are blood transfusions done in a fetus?

About the procedure. There are two methods to perform fetal blood transfusions. In both, a needle is inserted into the mother’s abdomen. Intravascular transfusion (IVT): blood is transfused into the umbilical cord Intraperitoneal transfusion (IPT): blood is transfused into the fetus’ abdomen.

When to request red cells for IUT transfusion?

Whenever possible, red cells for IUT are requested well in advance of the planned transfusion, in close communication with the Blood Services.

Which is better intrauterine or umbilical cord blood transfusion?

Umbilical cord vessel transfusion is the preferred method, because it permits better absorption of blood and has a higher survival rate than does transfusion through the abdomen. An intrauterine fetal blood transfusion is done in the hospital.